Professor Yori Gidron, PhD

Yori Gidron is professor of health psychology at the Dept. of Nursing, Faculty of welfare and health sciences, University of Haifa. He did his MSc and PhD at Dalhousie Univ, Halifax, Canada. He has worked in Israel, The UK, The Netherlands, Belgium and France, where he served as Chair of Psycho-oncology at Lille University. He has over 120 scientific publications and is on the editorial board of several journals. He also implements his health research in humanitarian missions.

Research interests:

My key topic is: Cognitive-Neuromodulation of health and diseases.

  1. The role of the vagal nerve in diseases -prediction, mechanisms and intervention. This includes cancer, CHD, stroke and recently Covid-19.
  2. The functions of hemispheric lateralization in infectious and mental diseases.
  3. Effects of psychological inoculation on health promotion.
  4. Can a neuroscience-based method prevent PTSD?


Neuroimmunology, Psycho-neuroimmunology, Behavioral medicine, Health promotion PTSD

Keywords SDG:

Health Education; Humanitarian missions; Delivering therapy trainings; Global Training.

Recent publications

He can be contacted at: