Mrs. Reem Nashef- Hamuda, MSW, PhDc

Reem Nashef- Hamuda is a PHD Candidate in the department of gerontology and a researcher in Center of Research & Study of Aging at Haifa university, Israel. She had been granted the levzion excellence scholarship from the council for higher education, the President of the State Scholarship for Scientific Excellence and Innovation, and the Otto Werner Scholarship for outstanding Arab doctoral students. Her thesis topic is focused on identifying characteristics of couple postretirement relationships as an explanation for personal well-being and couple satisfaction among couples in Arab society. Quantitative research Under the supervision of Dr. Dekla Segel-Karpas, Dr. Roi Estline, and Prof. Yuval Palgi.

 She finished her M.S.W. studies with excellence in the Department of Social Work at Ariel University, Israel. Her thesis topic was “How do Arab Israeli women who suffer from domestic violence by their spouses perceive the effectiveness of formal and informal interventions while they are exposed to violence?”  this Qualitative research was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Ahuva Even-Zohar & Dr. Sima Zelzberg-Black.

Research Interest:

  • Well being in old age
  • Couples` relationships
  • Retirement
  • Arab society
  • Elder abuse
  • Quantitative and qualitative research methods


Qualitative research; Quantitative research; Ethnic groups; Couples` Relationships; Well-being in old age, Retirement.

SDG Keywords:

Vulnerable; Vocational training; Ethnicity; Justice; Disadvantaged; Discrimination; Equal opportunity

She can be contacted at: