Joint Eshel Israel Foundation for Aging Researchers
More than 1.2 million people aged 65+ live in Israel and hundreds of thousands of them benefit, directly and indirectly, from a rich variety of services and programs throughout the country that were designed and developed by the Israel-Eshel joint. This is one of the largest and oldest partnerships between Joint Israel and the Israeli government, which was founded in 1969 with the aim of planning and developing services for the aged people in Israel.
In an era of long-life expectancy and an increase in the number of the aged people, the goals and objectives of the Israel-Eshel Joint are to strengthen the aged people in Israel, improve their self-image and social status and guarantee them a good quality of life and a dignified old age.
Joint Israel-Eshel programs touch all areas of the aged people’ life: supportive communities that provide a basket of services that allow the aged to continue living at home and in the environment they are familiar with, as well as hundreds of physical activity programs to promote the health of the elderly that are operated throughout the country.
Joint Israel-Eshel put on the public agenda the importance of preventing abuse and neglect of aged people, volunteering for the aged, programs for Holocaust survivors, training for professionals, caregivers and family members who care for the aged people, and workes to consolidate and develop knowledge about all aspects of aging and disseminate it through various means to diverse target audiences. Today, the organization deals with postponing the frailty threshold, reducing the digital divide, and integrating seniors into the world of work.
Israel-Eshel joint works for the aged people at different levels of functioning: independent, nursing, complex nursing, rehabilitative, mentally exhausted, and exhausted, as well as populations of immigrants from the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia and aged people from the Arab society in Israel. In addition, the organization works for employees in the service system, volunteers, and officials in associations for the aged people, and more.
מענקי מחקר לחוקרים
ד”ר יהודית ראובני, פרופ’ דנה יגיל וד”ר דיקלה סגל כרפס: הזדקנות בקהילה – עמדות רופאי משפחה.
פרופ’ יצחק בריק, פרופ’ אריאלה לבנשטיין וד”ר סיגל נעים: גורמים הקשורים לתפיסות, העדפות וצרכים של זקנים לגבי דפוסי מגורים והקשרם לאיכות החיים ותרומת שירותי הבריאות.
ד”ר דקלה סגל כרפס וד”ר מיכל איזקסון:
Spatial behavior, social engagement and emotional well-being: A multidimensional exploration of recent retirees’ behavior in the community.
ד”ר סוניה פאו: העצמה נשית בקבוצות עבודה של נשים זקנות.
ד”ר יובל פלגי: טראומה בזיקנה בקרב תושבי דרום הארץ.