Dr. Noa Givon-Schaham, PhD

Dr. Noa Givon Schaham is a lecturer at the Department of Occupational Therapy at the University of Haifa. She finished her doctoral studies at the Department of Occupational Therapy at Tel-Aviv University, under the supervision of Professor Debbie Rand and her post-doctoral studies at the School of Occupational Therapy, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, under the supervision of Professor Mor Nahum. Her PhD thesis topic was the development and effectiveness of the ‘Tablet Enhancement of Cognition and Health’ (TECH) intervention for enhancing cognition, and preventing cognitive deterioration of older adults with MCI.

Her post-doctoral work focused on examining the effectiveness of a custom-made tablet-based Video Game intervention on mood and cognition in adults.

Research Interests:

  • Occupational therapy for geriatric population
  • Attention disorders in old age
  • Self-risk and need for supervision among older adults
  • Technology use in cognitive therapy for older adults


Qualitative research; Technology; Older adults; Mild Cognitive Impairment, Occupational Therapy, Tablets, Self-Risk, Attention-deficit

SDG Keywords:

Technological capabilities

Recent Publications

She can be contacted at: ngivonsch@univ.haifa.ac.il